10 Signs Your Baby Has a Tongue-Tie

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10 signs your baby has a tongue-tie

Parenthood is an incredible journey filled with joy and discoveries. As your baby grows, you’ll encounter various milestones, but it’s essential to stay alert about potential health issues that may arise, such as tongue-tie. Early detection is crucial for addressing this issue promptly. 

Tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, is a condition that occurs when the strip of skin beneath the tongue, known as the lingual frenulum, is shorter than usual. This condition restricts the normal movement of the tongue. 

But what does a tongue tie look like?

The lingual frenulum is a strip of tissue that links the underside of the tongue to the base of the mouth. In individuals with tongue ties, this band of tissue is either too short or attached too close to the tip of the tongue, limiting the range of motion. Here are ten signs to look out for:

Difficulty Latching

One of the primary indicators of tongue tie is difficulty latching during breastfeeding. If your baby struggles to latch onto the breast or bottle and often seems frustrated or hungry after feeding, it could be due to restricted tongue movement.

Shallow Latch

Even when your baby does latch, a shallow latch may be a sign of tongue-tie. A shallow latch can lead to inefficient milk transfer, causing your baby to take longer to feed and leaving them unsatisfied.

Prolonged Feeding Times

Babies with tongue-tie may take longer to feed as they struggle to create a proper seal during breastfeeding. Prolonged feeding sessions can be exhausting for both you and your baby, affecting their overall feeding experience.

Poor Weight Gain

Tongue-tie can impact a baby’s ability to extract an adequate amount of milk during feeds, leading to slow weight gain. If you notice that your baby is not gaining weight as expected, it’s essential to explore potential reasons, including tongue-tie.

Fussiness During Feeding

Irritability or fussiness during feeding sessions can be a red flag for tongue-tie. If your baby seems frustrated, pulls away from the breast or bottle frequently, or appears distressed while feeding, it may be worth investigating further.

Clicking Sounds While Feeding

A clicking sound during breastfeeding may indicate an improper latch due to a tongue tie. If you notice this noise consistently, consulting with a dentist near you is crucial for a proper assessment.

Difficulty Moving Tongue

Observing your baby’s tongue movement is key to identifying tongue-tie. Limited range of motion, difficulty sticking the tongue out, or a heart-shaped appearance when the tongue is extended are all potential signs.

Speech Development Delays

As your baby grows, tongue-tie can affect speech development. Look for delays in reaching speech milestones, such as difficulty forming certain sounds or words, which may be indicative of the condition.

Dental Issues

Tongue-tie can contribute to dental problems in older children. Issues such as a high palate or misaligned teeth may arise as a result of untreated tongue-tie, emphasizing the importance of early detection and intervention.

Difficulty Eating Solid Foods

When your baby starts transitioning to solid foods, you may notice challenges in their ability to chew and swallow. These difficulties can be linked to tongue-tie, as the condition affects the necessary oral motor skills for this developmental stage.

Treatment Options

If you suspect your baby has a tongue-tie, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to get treatment for tongue-tie release near you. Treatment options may include a simple procedure called a frenotomy, where the tight band of tissue is snipped to allow for improved tongue movement. In some cases, speech therapy or physical therapy may be recommended to address any developmental issues.

Visit Us Today to Unlock a World of Healthy Smiles!

If you’ve noticed any of these signs in your baby, it’s crucial to seek professional guidance. We understand the importance of early intervention in tongue-tie cases. Our experienced dentist in North York is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for your little one’s oral health. With a commitment to gentle and effective treatments, we aim to ensure your baby’s healthy smile from the very beginning. 

Don’t hesitate—schedule a consultation at Lilac Family Dentistry today and give your child the best start for a lifetime of happy and healthy smiles!
